Polish family: ”Home” is now Western Jutland

Better workingconditions and good conditions for the children

Nature and good conditions for the children are crucial

It is first and foremost the good conditions for the children and the clean and beautiful nature that Iwona and Jarek emphasize when expressing why they have chosen to settle in Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality in Denmark. In the past two years Iwona Czerwinska, 37, and Jarek Lewandowski, 42, have been living in the village of Finderup together with their joint child Diego, 6, and Jarek’s son Manuel, 12,  and his daughter Karolina, 7.

”The child-care facilities here are simply so good. They do so much for the development of children. For instance, they are allowed to cook and do woodwork when they can handle a knife– even though it may be a little dangerous. Besides, they also spend a lot of time in nature. In all sorts of weather. It is so healthy for them”, says Iwona who is also really happy with the schools.

”The children look forward to going to school here. They learn a lot whilst having a good time and they have made good friends. Previously, Manuel had a really hard time in his Polish school which was based on a very authoritarian system with a lot of homework. He almost always had a bellyache and was also bullied, but now he is very happy with school. He has learned to speak perfect Danish and he has made good friends with quite a few, both at home and in school”, Iwona says, and also Jarek thinks that the Danish school system is much better. Even though attending school in Poland is free, there are still running costs, which you don’t find here.

Manuel attends Kirkeskolen in Skjern while the two little ones are attending the school and after-school facilities of the neighbouring village of Rækker Mølle. They also like the school. Karolina has settled in well, and Diego thinks that everything is exciting after having started kindergarten class this summer.


Foto: Ralf Andersen


Working – also to have a sparetime life

”However, the best thing is that you exist to live here – which means that you don’t just constantly work, but you work in order to also live in your spare time”, says Iwona, and Jarek agrees. That was the very reason why he came to Denmark to work, since - as a self-employed motor mechanic with his own construction firm - he just worked and worked without earning sufficient to live on. On top of that he did not have any spare time whatsoever.

Now they enjoy joining the children for leisure activities during the week and go on weekend excursions. Karolina and Diego take judo classes Tuesday and Thursday, and Manuel plays football three times a week and often also matches during weekends.


Foto: Ralf Andersen


”On Saturdays we are usually busy cleaning and doing the laundry – with a family of five there is a lot to do – but on Sundays we always go to the public swimming bath, the forest or for a walk at Hvide Sande”, Iwona says. “We enjoy being in nature, and our big dream is to get a house of our own in the country, preferably around Finderup, including room for e.g. a dog, chickens, and vegetables in the garden”, she adds while Jarek is nodding.


Flexibility and Self-service

They have both previously worked in other countries, but agree that the best place of all is Denmark

Iwona worked for four years in Italy until, after a period of illness in Poland, she came to Tarm in 2004 when a friend persuaded her to come to work at Bechs Hotel. She was actually only meant to come for a holiday, but then she got a job at the hotel and was there for four years. Subsequently, as her Danish has improved she has had jobs as a production assistant in companies co-operating with Polish builders.

During the past year, Iwona has been working for Total Wind in Esbjerg, and she enjoys the workplace flexibility. Once in a while she also works in the Brande division with the option of for example working flexible hours, i.e. starting work early one day whilst in return having another day off early, for instance if she is doing something with the children.


Foto: Ralf Andersen


”Everything is just so much easier in Denmark. We can sort out almost everything by telephone or computer such as tax or children’s allowance”, says Iwona enthusiastically about the Danish self-service solutions.

”You need not take a day off from work to queue up at some office to be met with a negative or patronizing attitude.  No matter where it is, public servants are simply so positive, and you really feel that they are there to help you. You don’t just feel like a nuisance – quite the opposite, and you have faith in them”, Iwona says and also stresses the Danish health system. It is much more healthy to live here because they don’t just prescribe a lot of medicine for the children.

She went back to Poland when she was having Diego, but had enough of Polish doctors. Diego was not well and was given an awful lot of medicine, also after 6 months when they were able to leave the hospital. She therefore hurried home to Denmark  where his medicine was gradually reduced, so by now he has fully recovered.


Commuting from Poland for several years

Previously, Jarek used to work both as a construction worker and as a motor mechanic in Spain and Germany before trying out being self-employed in Poland. However, when a friend wanted him to join him for Denmark to work in 2007 he accepted the offer and sold his company. The result was several years as a welder and commuting 1,200 km to Poland at varying intervals. Sometimes after 3 weeks’ work, Jarek might spend one week with his family, at other times he went back and forth with only a few days in between. His partner at that time did not want to move to Denmark with Manuel and Karolina, when Jarek at some stage got a permanent job at Vejle. Some time later he injured his one foot and was in hospital for a very long time due to several operations. It was on this occasion that he met Iwona in 2010, the result of which was Diego, who was born 6 years ago.

However, they agreed that Jarek should go back to Poland and try to make his family life work. It was not very successful though, as his partner suffered illness followed by several hospital admissions. Consequently, he has spent a lot of time on his own with the children for several periods. Then approximately two years ago after a broken relationship Jarek returned to Denmark and Iwona. Shortly after they had to fetch Manuel and Karolina and take them with them to Denmark as nobody else could take care of them in Poland. The children have been happy about this change and have quickly settled in at Finderup where they also enjoy having a younger brother close by.


Foto: Ralf Andersen


Fine tax system and beautiful nature

When Jarek is to point out what is good or what is the best about living and working in Denmark it is generally the much better working- and living conditions in Denmark compared to Poland, Spain, and Germany.

”The tax system here is made for human beings, which I like, and then I also enjoy the nature and the great respect for it plus the fact that people do not interfere unnecessarily in other people’s affairs. Normally there is also great respect and civility in connection with working conditions”, Jarek says and continues:

”Admittedly, cars are too expensive in this country, but in return you can always get a job if you want, and you are not left on your own – there is a safety net in the social security benefits – if anything goes wrong”, Jarek says, adding with a big smile: ”And then I also like the Danish concept of ”hygge”.

“Jarek’s Danish is not so good yet, but he is practicing a lot to learn, so he can keep up with the children who already speak fluent Danish. Little by little though, he understands most of it, which is also the reason why Jarek has something negative to say about the Danes. He has experienced arrogance on part of some Danes towards Polish workers. “They speak badly of us and look down on us”, says Jarek who is the type that objects when he experiences such things. On the other hand, this cost him his job in one place of work. But now he has been employed by a temp agency for a long period and gets temporary jobs in various places. He likes this kind of variety in a job.


Foto: Ralf Andersen


”Home” is now Western Jutland

Once in a while, Iwona misses Poland. “But then I just call my mum, and when I have spoken with her for a while and heard how they are doing this yearning disappears – except for the yearning for nature. Where I come from the nature is particularly beautiful”, says Iwona who now regards Western Jutland as her home.

“In the beginning I always thought that I was going home to Poland, but now when I am in Poland I look forward to returning “home” to here”, Iwona says, and adds that now she also looks forward to her brother coming to work in this area.


Foto: Ralf Andersen 



Finderup is a small village with approximately 100 inhabitants located in the middle of Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality, which geographically is the biggest municipality in Denmark. The Municipality has around 56,200 citizens, including 5,250 foreign citizens of 99 different nationalities.

In Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality the unemployment rate is low, and there is a shortage of qualified labour within farming and the big industrial companies.

For more information about living and working in Denmark’s biggest municipality, Ringkøbing-Skjern, please go to flytmodvest.dk - in English and German.



The Chinnow family

German family:

Good working conditions leaving room for a family life close to the North Sea

In 2019 the Chinnow family moved from Löbau in Germany to Hvide Sande in Denmark. Four years later the family is not in doubt: -We’ll stay here!

The couple Dagmar and Udo are working at the local companies, Hvide Sande Røgeri and Danwest, and they both see the career opportunities as one of the really big gains of having moved to Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune. Here they have been able to let go of their previous worries about job safety and fair pay, and last year their dream of buying their own house came true. 

The two children, Pauline and Pepe, are also happy about having moved to Hvide Sande. They like their new school and appreciate the Danish school system with less tests and more variety during the day. 

In Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune the family has found both tranquility, a house, career opportunities, and new friends. When the holiday makers have to go back after 1-2 weeks’ holiday all four of them are pleased that they can stay and fulfil more dreams in the middle between the North Sea and Ringkøbing Fjord.

The Chinnow family - Read the full story here

Iwona and Jarek

Polish family:

Nature and good conditions for the children are crucial

It is first and foremost the good conditions for the children and the clean and beautiful nature that Iwona and Jarek emphasize when expressing why they have chosen to settle in Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality in Denmark. In the past two years Iwona and Jarek have been living in the village of Finderup together with their joint child Diego and Jarek’s son Manuel and his daughter Karolina.

”The child-care facilities here are simply so good. They do so much for the development of children. For instance, they are allowed to cook and do woodwork when they can handle a knife– even though it may be a little dangerous. Besides, they also spend a lot of time in nature. In all sorts of weather. It is so healthy for them”, says Iwona who is also really happy with the schools.

”However, the best thing is that you exist to live here – which means that you don’t just constantly work, but you work in order to also live in your spare time”, says Iwona, and Jarek agrees. That was the very reason why he came to Denmark to work, since - as a self-employed motor mechanic with his own construction firm - he just worked and worked without earning sufficient to live on. On top of that he did not have any spare time whatsoever.


Iwona og Jarek - Read the full story here