Working Hours and Holidays
Working hours are normally 37 per week and the various COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS contain provisions for compensation if you work overtime, or if you work outside the most general working hours.
Working hours and tasks are part of the contract of employment which you must have from your employer in connection with your employment.
You are entitled to five weeks’ holidays a year – with full pay. You earn 2.08 paid holidays per month and can spend in the same holiday year or no later than 30 December in following year.
If you change job in the middle of the calendar year your employer must pay holiday money for the days earned. You will receive 12.5 % of your total pay in the qualifying year. Holiday money of wages during holidays is not calculated.
Active leisure time with culture, nature, and a sense of community in Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality - Foto:
You can have your holiday money paid out on departure from Denmark. Otherwise the employer must pay the holiday money into the FerieKonto (holiday account), from which you can have it paid out when you take your annual leave in the following holiday year.
The holiday money is taxed when it is paid out to you or the FerieKonto. You should therefore be aware of the fact that you must add in your holiday money in your income tax, even if you may not receive it until the following year.
Here you can read more about the FerieKonto and the HOLIDAY RULES. Use Google Translate for translation.