Active leisure time

Digital Signature - MitID

MitID is your digital signature and is just as legally binding as your personal signature on a document.

You need your digital signature, as the Danish authorities are sending almost all mail to the citizens electronically, and to a great extent it requires that you use digital solutions when filling in forms to public authorities.

You also need your digital signature if you wish to use the electronic self-service options/netbank of the banks, just as a number of companies, i.a. insurance and pension companies give access to self-service solutions by means of your digital signature.


MitID på mobilen

Read more: Apply for MitID

Denmark has recently replaced NemID with MitID.

You can use MitID almost immediately once the MitID app is downloaded on your smartphone or tablet.

Look here: How to get MitID and MitID – A quick guide.

You can also get MitID with a foreign passport/international ID card.

As a foreigner or as a Dane with an eID from another EU/EEA country, you can use Danish digital self-services. Read more here


You can read more in English about electronic mail on E-BOKS.


Charlotte and Ian

Danish/English couple:

Wish of living the good life

”Above all, we just wanted to be together and live the good life. We love being together” says the Danish/English couple Charlotte and Ian Coles who have settled down in an idyllic old farm house at Kloster, halfway between the Ringkøbing Fjord and the Stadil Fjord and close to the town of Ringkøbing.

It is not surprising that the couple had a wish of the good life in peaceful surroundings with lots of nature. Ian was a Major in the British Army, which meant the couple had moved around military bases in England and Germany for years. Ian had also been deployed close to the world’s war zones, leaving Charlotte alone and suffering months of deprivation during their first year in Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality.

They bought the old farmhouse overlooking the Stadil Fjord in 2013, and Charlotte moved in full-time, while Ian could only come home as work allowed. But now the good life has really started as Ian retired this summer.

Ian is 48 years old and he has just landed a job with Vestas - the wind turbine manufacturer – as a Project Training Leader. 

Charlotte and Ian - Read the full story here


Iwona and Jarek

Polish family:

Nature and good conditions for the children are crucial

It is first and foremost the good conditions for the children and the clean and beautiful nature that Iwona and Jarek emphasize when expressing why they have chosen to settle in Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality in Denmark. In the past two years Iwona and Jarek have been living in the village of Finderup together with their joint child Diego and Jarek’s son Manuel and his daughter Karolina.

”The child-care facilities here are simply so good. They do so much for the development of children. For instance, they are allowed to cook and do woodwork when they can handle a knife– even though it may be a little dangerous. Besides, they also spend a lot of time in nature. In all sorts of weather. It is so healthy for them”, says Iwona who is also really happy with the schools.

”However, the best thing is that you exist to live here – which means that you don’t just constantly work, but you work in order to also live in your spare time”, says Iwona, and Jarek agrees. That was the very reason why he came to Denmark to work, since - as a self-employed motor mechanic with his own construction firm - he just worked and worked without earning sufficient to live on. On top of that he did not have any spare time whatsoever.


Iwona og Jarek - Read the full story here