When you have an annual income in Denmark, your employer must transfer your wages to your bank account. You can use a foreign bank account, but often a fee covering a transfer of money abroad will be charged, so instead you can open an account in a Danish financial institution (bank or savings bank).
To become a customer in a Danish bank you need to produce proof of identity, i.e. a passport, a driving licence etc. You must also bring along proof of address in Denmark, e.g. a rental contract, the yellow health insurance card, or your Civil Registration Number. Some banks would also like employment verification from your Danish company.
When you have obtained one or several bank accounts, you must register one of the accounts as your “NemKonto” account. This is the account, which the authorities subsequently will use, if you are entitled to a tax refund or entitled to receive public benefits. For more information in English click NEMKONTO.
Credit Card, Netbank, and Direct Debit
For your Danish account you can normally have a credit card which can be used in the shops and other places where you need to pay. In Denmark most people use a Dankort for payment, also for small amounts at e.g. the baker’s, and most grocery stores are also used to and willing to let you have a cashback of for instance DKK100, so that it is possible for you to have some cash. When paying you will therefore often hear the cashier automatically ask you: “for the exact amount or over?”.
When you have NemID you can also have online bank access to your account, so you can do private banking electronically. Besides, you can have a direct debit arrangement, so that your bills will automatically be sent to and paid via your account.
MOBILEPAY, so you can send and receive money via your mobile phone, is also an option. The bank can give you further information about these and any other offers they might have.
The bank can also help you set up a budget and assist you in estimating what you can afford to buy if you e.g. want a house at some later point.
In Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality there are several local financial institutions. Ask for instance your employer or colleagues about banking options.